
Seeking comfort is a natural orientation for your mind. 
Comfort supports homeostasis and demands less cognitive exertion. 
Your best option for high performance in the short term is to minimize exertion in non-essential areas. 

Being goal-oriented is also a natural orientation for your mind. 
Resolutions are built upon motivation; your ability to do just about anything relies upon goal-oriented motivational factors. 
Your best option for long-term growth is to act upon motivational drivers that orient towards future resolutions. 

Welcome to the paradox of long-term performance. 
Staying comfortable today conflicts with your ability to achieve future goals. 
Conversely, only pursuing future goals risks overextending, burning out, and missing short-term performance today. 

Your mind will flip flop between homeostasis and motivation-driven resolutions. 
The challenge is in developing the ability to focus short-term exertion in a manner that leverages long-term motivational drivers. 
Beware the temptation of taking on all the long-term motivational drivers (resolutions) at the cost of your immediate cognitive capacity. 

New Year, New Brew,
- Morning Cup