
Your brain’s heuristic system often associates growth with more of something. 
It leverages a simple additive model of 1 + 1 = growth. 
When it comes to performance, this logic has merit: building on a skill can lead to growth. 

When it comes to leadership, the association of more and growth shifts somewhat. 
Your brain will still lean on its basic heuristics to try and define growth. 
More responsibility, budget, or projects are easy directions to define growth. 

Often these are not the most effective directions. 
In the context of leadership, “more” means much more than additive skill building. 
Your most effective growth may be in delivering more impact, focus, or perspective. 

As a leader you will have to answer a challenging question. 
Do you want more of something, or do you want to have more impact?
The answer to either question may be at odds with each other. 

First name: Coffee; last name: latte,
- Morning Cup