
Homeostasis is partly to blame for your affinity towards attachment.
It is more comfortable and energetically efficient to remain attached to something than to accept the change associated with letting go.
The underlying factor in attachment is simple: letting go and navigating change represents an unknown energetic output.

The big hairy monster in the attachment closet is mostly your brain considering all the energy-consuming variables associated with change.
Your brain does not methodically tick through those scenarios and validate them individually.
It gives you a blanket emotion-driven thought that alerts you to the giant downside of letting go built around lack of certainty.

As a leader you have evolved past needing to be right all the time.
The next step is identifying when your attachment is warranted versus when it is based on uncertainty-based predictions.
The thing your brain does not factor in is that the choice to let go is not permanent.

When you choose to detach, you create momentum to continue choosing.
Often, you spend more energy dwelling on all the energy you will spend on letting go than you do when you let go itself.

Frozen, The Latte: the flavour of letting go,
- Morning Cup