
Solving a problem involves more than identifying the problem and finding an answer. 
It involves navigating different perspectives and competing motives as well as being aware of internal factors that can affect your perception. 
The most challenging aspect of solving a problem is rarely the problem itself; it is the social dynamics surrounding it. 

This is why phrases like, “how you do something matters as much as what you do,” land with effect. 
Solving a problem is a complex social process that is exacerbated by the desire for a tangible solution. 
Part of being a leader is accepting that your responsibility extends beyond basic 1+1 problem solving; you are forever solving for variations of X. 

Great leaders bring equanimity. 
The scenarios where it is most challenging to maintain are often the ones where an equanimous approach is most impactful. 
Next time you find your patience wearing thin, consider that the real problem to solve might be your equanimity. 

Khàawp-khun ná kháffee,
- Morning Cup